On behalf of the Executive Committee and entire ministry members, I want to thank you for your support and prayers for the Disciples of Christ Ministries since August 2011. I thank you for your confidence in the leadership and evangelism and it is our prayer that as we go on the next lap, may we together claim God's promise of a future filled with hope. The Executive Committee is committed to ongoing communication about ways we can move forward together in faith. We are keenly aware that "why" and "what" we plan to do are only as good as "how" we are going to do it. Therefore, we affirm that you have called us to lead you as God leads us and to be partners with you in the accomplishment of all that God has called you to be and do. Together we build, for His glory!

Jean Ahabwe

Deputy founding Director

Who we are

Founded in August 2011 by Jean Ahabwe and John Ssentamu, Disciples of Christ Ministries (DOC) is a Christian community based non profit organisation. Our membership has a collective experience of ministry encompassing every aspect of church ministry, both rural and urban, including a wide range of non-church specialties such as literacy, teaching and school administration. DOCM team members have led and facilitated missions throughout the rural settings of Kamwenge though not at a large scale. DOCM is helping and encouraging local Christians in being more effective in their communities for the glory of the Lord.
Mission: Creating Christian environment that positively changes the people who positively change the world.

Statement of Faith:
The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written word of God.
There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.